C.V. (academic resume)

Curriculum Vitae

Todd Forsyth Carney

Department of History and Political Science

Southern Oregon University

Ashland, Oregon 97520

(541) 951-5702




Ph. D. University of Oregon, 1995

M.A. Utah State University, 1992.

B.S. Utah State University, 1987.


Principal Research and Teaching Fields

Colonial America and Early Republic.

Transportation History

American West.

Environmental History.


Academic Appointments

Associate Professor Emeritus, Southern Oregon University, 2015 – present.

Associate Professor, Southern Oregon University, 1999 – 2015.

Assistant Professor, Southern Oregon University, 1995 – 1999.

Instructor, Southern Oregon State College, 1993-1995.

Instructor, University of Oregon, 1991-93.


Professional Organizations

Western History Association.

Society for Historians of the Early American Republic.

International Association for the History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility.

International Association of Technology, Education and Development.

Institute of Early American History and Culture.

Academic Research

 “A Fig off My Own Fig Tree: Utah Migration in the Twentieth Century, 1890-1955” (Masters thesis, Utah State University, 1989).

“Mountains of Imagination: Place and Perception in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Sierra Nevada” (Ph. D. dissertation, University of Oregon, 1995).

Conference Papers

 “Six Theses: Course Materials in the 21st Century University.” 6th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation–ICERI2013, Seville, Spain, November 18th-20th, 2013.

 “Before the Box Changed the World: Anthropogenic “Friction” in North American Trans-portation, from the American Civil War to the Second World War.” Tenth Annual Conference of the International Association for the History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility, Madrid, Spain, 15-18 November 2012.

 “The Trans-Mississippi Commercial Congress and the Celebration of American Development.” Seventh Annual Conference of the International Association for the Study of Environment, Space, and Place (IASESP), 29 April 2011, New Haven, Connecticut.

 “Homo Homini Lupus: War in the Modern World.” 2010-2011 Southern Oregon University Campus Theme: “On Being Human,” 10 February 2011.

 “The Third Way: Using Web 2.0 Resources in University Teaching.“ INTED 2010, the International Technology, Education and Development Conference, 8 March 2010, Valencia, Spain.

 “Political Culture and National Development: The Trans-Mississippi Commercial Congress and Waterborne Transportation in the United States.” Fifth Annual Conference of the International Association for the History of Transport, Traffic & Mobility, Helmond, The Netherlands, October, 2007.

 “California as Empire: Nature, Power, and Place in George R. Stewart’s Storm and Fire.” California American Studies Association Annual Meeting, May, 1995. Organized the session in which this paper was read.

 “Comparing Western Irrigation Institutions: A Scheme for Eliminating Ideological Bias in Historical Studies.” Western Social Science Association Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, April 1988.

 “Post-War Out-Migration from Utah: A Classic Push-Pull Scenario.” Utah Geographical Society Annual Meeting, Provo, Utah, November 1987.

 “Lebensraum und Geopolitik: Germany, National Socialism and Geography.” Utah Geographical Society Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, November 1986.


 Chapters for Gale/Cengage Researcher eBooks (forthcoming–targeted to undergraduate students):

 “Presidential Reconstruction, 1862-1877”; “Washington Peace Conference, 1861”; “The Episcopacy Controversy, 1760-1776”; “Westward Expansion Before the Civil War”; “Native American Resistance to Euro-American Settlement”; “Agriculture in America from Colonial Times to the Early Republic”; “The Industrial Revolution in America”; and “Europe, Africa, and the Americas before 1492.” (forthcoming late spring 2016).

 “Six Theses: Course Materials in the 21st Century University.” Abstracts and Proceedings, 6th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ISBN 978-84-616-3847-5). IATED, Valencia, Spain, November, 2013.

 Review: Dark Rose: Organized Crime and Corruption in Portland, byRobert C. Donnelly. (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2011). H-Net Reviews (assigned by editor), https://www.h-net.org/reviews/showpdf.php?id=33765.

 Review: The People Are Dancing Again: The History of the Siletz Tribe of Western Oregon, by Charles Wilkinson (U/Washington Press, 2010). Western Historical Quarterly 42 (Winter 2012): 532-33.

 Book Chapters: Todd F. Carney et al, CliffsAP World History (Wiley, 2006). Nine chapters on modern world history since 1789.

 Review: Shaping the Sierra: Nature, Culture, and Conflict in the Changing West, by Timothy P. Duane (University of California Press, 1999). Western Historical Quarterly 33 (Summer 2002): 216-217.

 Review: Last Bonanza Kings: The Bourns of San Francisco by Ferol Egan (University of Nevada Press, 1998). Western Historical Quarterly (Summer 2000).

 Review: The Pacific Raincoast: Environment and Culture in an American Eden, 1778-1900 by Robert Bunting (University of Kansas Press, 1996). Agricultural History 72 (Winter 1998): 106-107.

 Biographical article: “Stewart Holbrook” in American National Biography, 22 Vols. (American Council of Learned Societies and Oxford University Press, 1998).

 Biographical article: “William Henry Thomes” in American National Biography, 22 Vols. (American Council of Learned Societies and Oxford University Press, 1998).

 Review: Cities of Light and Heat: Domesticating Gas and Electricity in Urban America by Mark H. Rose (Pennsylvania State University Press, 1995). Western Historical Quarterly 27 (Autumn 1996): 401.

Courses Taught

 African American History

American West before 1865

American West after 1865

California History

Civil War and Reconstruction

Environmental History

Colonial America

Native American History

Oral History Methods

Religion in America

Revolution and Early Republic

Seminar on United States History

Senior Seminar

Study of History

Symbol and Myth of the American West

Twentieth Century United States (two term course)

United States History (two term survey)

War in the Modern World

Writing and Methods in History and Political Science

Other Professional Experience

 Reader, College Board/AP United States History essay exams, Louisville, Kentucky, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, and invited to attend 2016.

 Member, City of Medford Landmarks and Historic Preservation Commission, 2007-2010.

 Member, Board of Editors, A Turbulent Voyage: Readings in African American Studies (Collegiate Press). 1998.

 Evaluator, Oregon Council for the Humanities/National Endowment for the Humanities program “Columbus and After: Rethinking the Legacy,” 1992.

 Technical writer, Space Dynamics Lab/Utah State University, 1986-1990.


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