Monthly Archives: February 2011

Would You Pick Your Nose in Public?

Here’s an excerpt from an article in today’s Washington Post about people who are obsessed with staying “connected” on their smartphones:

You see these tethered souls everywhere: The father joining in an intense Twitter debate at his daughter’s dance recital. The woman cracking wise on Facebook while strolling through the mall. The guy on a date reviewing his fish tacos on Yelp. Not to mention drivers staring down instead of through their windshields.  Physically, they are present. Mentally, they are elsewhere, existing as bits of data pinging between cellphone towers. “My wife has physically pulled the thing out of my hands a couple times,” said Ferrari, who has been nabbed checking his Twitter feed at, among other places, his in-laws’ dining room table. “She says it’s like I’m picking my nose in public.”

Here’s the link to the full article: