Greetings. My name is Dr. Todd Carney and I am an Associate Professor of History at Southern Oregon University. I was born in the San Francisco area in California, and I was educated there, in Utah, and in Oregon, completing a Ph.D. in United States History at the University of Oregon in 1995. I’ve been a member of SOU’s faculty since 1993.
In addition to American history, I also teach courses in environmental history, family history, the history of war in the modern world, and the history of religion in America.
I can’t say I know exactly what I’ll do with this blog, but I do know I want to keep in close contact with my students, and that I want to engage outside the classroom. I’ll no doubt post entries having to do with current events and history, with critical thinking skills and habits, with research and writing projects, with personal organization and management concerns, and with various SOU-related matters. Either check back every once in a while, or subscribe to my RSS feed to get the latest that way.
Best wishes,
Todd “Doc” Carney